Learn all about the exciting new RocketTheme exclusive modules that are included in the Perihelion template release. Here you can find instructions for installation and configuration for each of the custom modules/scripts.
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Step One: Installing the Module
- Download the perihelion-extensions-j15.zip archive from the Perihelion download section of the RocketTheme Joomla! Club. Unzip the archive and inside you will find individual zip files for each of the extensions
- Login in to your administrator console on your Joomla! website and navigate to the Extensions menu item, and select Install/Uninsta from the dropdown menu.
- In the Upload Package File section, click the Choose File button and select one of the mod_modulename.zip that was inside of the zip file you downloaded earlier. Next click the Upload File & Install button to install the module
Step Two: Publishing the Module
- Now the module is installed it must be published in the appropriate module position and configured to suit our needs. From the top menu, select Extensions > Module Manager
- This will take you to the Site Module Manager which allows you to configure the placement and configuration of all modules in your Joomla! website
- Locate the module from the list. Remember there could be a few pages. Once you have found it, you can publish in 2 ways: The first is selecting the cross next to the tile or clicking the title then set Publish to Yes followed by Save
RokNewsRotator is a module that rotates your news item using the powerful of the mootools javascript library. You simply assign a category/section and watch your articles transition
We will take a quick look at the parameters you will find when you install this module.
- Title: Hide
- Position: We recommend the user1 position
- Access level: Public
- Published: Yes
- Module Class Suffix: -flush
- Enable Cache: No
- Module Mode: You have a choice of what type of content to choose from
- Link Titles: Enable this option if you wish the titles to link to your main article
- Link Image: Similar to the above but adds a link to your content image
- Frontpage items: Show or Hide
- Count: Enter how many items you would like to show in the module
- Category: Choose which Category to pull your stories from
- Section: Choose which Section to pull your stories from
- Transition Duration: Time in milliseconds for slide transition
- Delay Length: Time in milliseconds for delay between each transition
- AutoPlay Rotator: Automatic or Manual transition
- Read More Label: Enter any text such as Read On, or Learn More
- Show Controls: This option will enable/disable the controls that appear when you hover over the rotator
- AutoHide Control: This option controls where the controls are permanently active or just appear on hover
- Preview Length: This is the time your article will display for
All you need to do now is to create some content items which are assigned to the category/section you chose in the module settings. In the content item, you will need to use the following syntax to load the image with the correct styling. The code is content editor HTML mode friendly.
<!--IMAGE image_path IMAGE-->
An example is as follows
<!--IMAGE images/stories/lego/rotator-3.jpg IMAGE-->
Place the image code at the top of your content item and write your content after it.
Ensure that you are either, using HTML mode in your content editor or disabling your content editor entirely. If you wish to disable your WYSIWYG editor, then go to Admin > Site > User Manager > *You* and select No Editor then save.
Demo Setup
You will notice that on the Frontpage, there are no frontpage content articles, only the RokNewsRotator and the modules appear. This is done by some PHP additions to the template’s index.php file.
- Open the template’s index.php file
- Locate the following:- <div id="main-content">
- Above this code line, add:- <?php if (JRequest::getVar('view') != 'frontpage') : ?>
- Locate the following:-
<jdoc:include type="component" /> </div> </div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> - Below this code block, add:- <?php endif; ?>
- Locate the following:-
<?php if ($this->countModules('header2')) : ?> <div class="main-content-arrow"></div> <?php endif; ?> - Change to:-
<?php if ($this->countModules('header2') and (JRequest::getVar('view') != 'frontpage')) : ?> <div class="main-content-arrow"></div> <?php endif; ?>
The Signallogin module is a login module for Joomla that was created by RocketTheme and Forum Moderator Chris S. The module itself allows for maximum control on the different elements so it can styled in whatever manner you desire.
We will take a quick look at the parameters you will find when you install this module.
- Title: Show
- Position: We recommend the top position
- Access level: Public
- Published: Yes
- Module Class Suffix: Leave blank
- Theme: Set this to none
- Module Orientation: Vertical
- Lost Password: Show
- Create Account: Show
- Username Length: 10