Hello. I’m Chris the creator of leatherhelp.com. I’ve built leathehelp.com to attract targeted consumers who need helpful information or professional leather help. I can only cover the Baltimore/Washington area. So, I also hope to help leather pros around the country benefit from the customers that come to the site.
My dad has been in the business for over 30 years. I want to see leather pros everywhere build solid, profitable businesses. One way you can attract customers through my site is by writing helpful articles for the site. Send me an article so I can post it with your picture and contact information.
Here are some tips on writing good articles that will attract interested customers to you:
- the site is targeted toward leather goods consumers. Not interested in dazzling people with fancy terms or irrelevant details. Just want to give them info that helps them Choose, Care for or solve problems with there leather stuff.
- I also want the site to have a personal feel. Sharing your experience doing the work with real customers is always better than just giving generic information. Not only do I want the site to help my customers, I also want it to help brand you. The more personal, relevant information you provide, the more a potential consumer will trust you.
- Any time you can go multi-media that helps. Send me your tips in an mp3 file, a video or with lots of pictures.
- Add a picture of yourself and a link url to your website. I’ll post it next to your articles so people can find you.
- Certainly I hope to build to direct visitors to local service providers. At first though, it may be a trickle of folks who live in your service area. If you have a product though, we can get you traffic right away. See the next point:
- If your info leads to a specific product you would like to sell, we can set up a click thru system so I get a small commision but the visitor goes to your site to buy. Let me know and we can set this up pretty easily.
- When you write an article, keep it simple. Think about a problem or area of interest to a leather consumer. State the problem and how the problem makes the consumer feel. State some solutions that don’t work or are too expensive or difficult. Lead to your solution and how it will help the consumer. Then sum up the benefits in the end.
To submit an article follow these steps:
- Send me an e-mail at leatherhelpguy@gmail.com
- Send me the article and a link to your website or your contact information.
- I will look over the article and either post it on the site or contact you about any changes needed.
- Look for the article to post on the site
- Ask new customers if the’ve come to you from www.leatherhelp.com. I’d love to know how the site is helping you.
- Join our network for more help with your business.