Caring for Leather FurnitureSome tips on cleaning delicate leathers

This article is actually a response to a specific customer I visited in Abingdon, Maryland.  Because I believe the tips will also benefit others with delicate leather furniture, I’m going to share the article with everyone.

Here are the pictures of a "mystery stain" and small discolored spot on the leather before and after I cleaned and repaired them.



So as I told my customer, I wanted to give some tips on caring for this type of leather in the future. 

  1. Semi-Protected Leather– The leather is what I would call a semi-protected.  It is not a naked leather nor is it a fully protected leather. I pre-tested a cleaner on the leather and noticed it cleaned the leather well but took a minor amount of the tint color off of the leather.  Because of that test, I defined the leather as semi-protected.
  2. Basic Cleaning– To clean the leather apply the cleaner to a soft cloth and rub the cleaner across the entire seat from seam to seam not pressing extra firmly in only one area. We recommend and use SG-5Click here for it.
  3. Conditioning/Protection- Because even a mild cleaner will effect the finish on your leather, you should apply a leather protector after cleaning the leather  We recommend and use SG-25 or SG-50 for this process.
  4. Crusty Stains– To remove a dried, crusty stain dampen the area with a few drops of the cleaner and let the moisture soften the stain.  Then try to wipe it off but if it will not wipe then use a firm plastic scraper to gently scrape the stain away.
  5. Dried out leather–  If your leather has dried out from the sun or a dry room (such as one which has a fireplace in it), you should try an intensive conditioning to soften it up.  First, apply the conditioner SG-50 once a month for 3 months.   Click here to buy SG-50.  It is the flagship of ADVLeather’s product line and not cheap but is a great product for dried out leather. Then, go to a normal 2x a year leather conditioning schedule.

Hope these tips help you.  Please e-mail me with any questions.