Over the years I’ve had the chance to talk to consumers who are unsure if leather is the right material for their home, family and lifestyle. They’re intriuged by the beauty and uniqueness of leather but have either heard a leather horror story from a friend or are just confused by the choices avialiable with leather furniture. In short, they don’t want to make a 10 year multi-thousand dollar mistake if they choose to buy leather.
Many big showroom or internet-based retailers don’t make things any easier. Either the salesperson knows very little about leather or there is no salesperson at all answer your leather-related questions. So here’s a few quick tips to calm your fears and help you decide if leather furniture is a good investment for you:
- Most leather does clean up easier than fabric. We will talk about exceptions to that rule in the specialty leather section.
- Even with pets and small children, leather can be a comfortable defense against the hustle and bustle of everyday life. You just need to know what to watch out for. Find out here.
- Leather can last for many years and improve with age. Check out these articles to take good care of your leather.
- Leather is uniquely comfortable because its fibers stretch a little and shape to you over the years. Kinda like a good pair of shoes.
- Leather can be repaired if, God forbid, a problem occurs. See the solving leather problems articles.
- The colors, styles, sizes and shapes of leather furniture are growing every day. There are so many beautiful styles today.
So fear not, leather is a great choice for your home and will be well worth the investment. Just take a few more minutes to learn the basics of leather and leather care. If you do, I am confident that when you buy leather it will be because your well informed and you’ll love it for years to come.